Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Overnight Coding - September 2010

Are you a die hard coder? Do you spend hours before the computer just programming for hours?

If yes, the competition is for you. This special event is a competition testing your algorithmic ability and your programming skills to the max. extent.
The event goes like this:
  1. On Thursday Friday, two problems will be posted on this blog at 4:00 PM. (postponed to friday)
  2. You are required to solve the problems by Friday morning  and submit them to the specified email or to the below mentioned organizers below the deadline.
  3. If you can not completely solve the problems then you may submit the pseudo code algorithm and equal credit will be given to the logic and the efficiency of the approach.
  4. Separate problems will be given for the second and third year students.
Questions will be based on data structures and require basic C/C++/Java programming skills. You may submit the solution in any language and you should be able to explain the solution perfectly. Approach matters!

A.Vamsi Subhash (4/4 IT-A): 9912882697
Prakash (4/4 IT-B): 9505355428

All the best and keep waiting.

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