1st Years Problem:
Julia would like to withdraw X € from an ATM. The cash machine will only accept the transaction if X is a multiple of 5, and Julia's account balance is sufficient to perform the withdrawal transaction (including bank charges). Calculate Julia's account balance after an attempted transaction, if you know that for an accepted transaction the bank makes a charge of 0.50 €.
Positive integer 0 < X <= 2000 - the amount of cash which Julia wishes to withdraw.
Nonnegative number 0<= Y <= 2000 with two digits of precision - Julia's initial account balance.
Output the account balance after the attempted transaction, given as a number with two digits of precision.
30 120.00
300 120.00
2nd YearsProblem:
Alice and Bob need to send secret messages to each other and are discussing ways to encode their messages:
Alice: "Let's just use a very simple code: We'll assign 'A' the code word 1, 'B' will be 2, and so on down to 'Z' being assigned 26."
Bob: "That's a stupid code, Alice. Suppose I send you the word 'BEAN' encoded as 25114. You could decode that in many different ways!"
Alice: "Sure you could, but what words would you get? Other than 'BEAN', you'd get 'BEAAD', 'YAAD', 'YAN', 'YKD' and 'BEKD'. I think you would be able to figure out the correct decoding. And why would you send me the word 'BEAN' anyway?"
Bob: "OK, maybe that's a bad example, but I bet you that if you got a string of length 5000 there would be tons of different decodings and with that many you would find at least two different ones that would make sense."
Alice: "How many different decodings?"
Bob: "Jillions!"
For some reason, Alice is still unconvinced by Bob's argument, so she requires a program that will determine how many decodings there can be for a given string using her code.
Input will consist of multiple input sets. Each set will consist of a single line of at most 5000 digits representing a valid encryption (for example, no line will begin with a 0). There will be no spaces between the digits. An input line of '0' will terminate the input and should not be processed.
For each input set, output the number of possible decodings for the input string. All answers will be within the range of a 64 bit signed integer.
Example Input
Example Output
3rd Years Program
You have given 100 text files, some of which contains phone number (10 digits). Write code to create a list of all the files which contain phone numbers only. And also display the file names and phone numbers corresponding to the files in ascending order w.r.t phone numbers.
Input Text Files:
Filename: 1.txt
Filename: 2.txt
siddhartha 9949567825
Filename: 3.txt
Filename: 4.txt
9885910404 Abdul
Filename: 5.txt
Filename: 6.txt
Rules and Regulations
1. First Years :
Max. Team Size: 2
Language to be used: Any Language
2. Second Years
Max. Team Size: 2
Language to be used: Any Language
3. Third Years
Max. Team Size: 1
Language to be used: Any Language
TO BE SUBMITTED BEFORE 9:00 AM ,19-12-2008 Files to be Submitted:
1. The Source File
2. The Executable File(.class or .exe)
3. Input and Output Screenshots
zip these files and send to:
events.itsa@gmail.com (or)
with Subject line ... Overnite Coding Solution: [Year]
and body as: the name of the participants , roll numbers and phone numbers
or in person to
M. Abdul
Siddharth Varma
will be available in Dept of IT Laboratory.
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