Rapid fire: Each team will be asked a series of 10 questions which they will have to answer in 1 minute, maximum of 10 questions. (+10)
Buzzer Round: Series of 10 questions will be asked, the team hitting the buzzer first is allowed to answer. (+10,-5)
Find them out: This is also a buzzer round.5 picture slides will be shown one after the other. The team hitting the buzzer first is allowed to answer. (+10,-5)
Tricky programs: This is a1buzzer round.10 tricky programs will be asked. The team hitting the buzzer first is allowed to answer. (+10,-5)
Show Down: In this round each team will be asked to guess the output of 2 programs round wise. Each program should be answered in maximum of 1 min. (+10,-5). Passable round.
Team A Rapid fire:
1) ISP stands for
a) Internet Service Provider
b) Information Services Provider
c) International Services Program
d) Industrial Services program
2) Which of the following can be used for Monitors ?
a) LCD
b) LAN
c) PIN
d) SQL
3) Which of the following can return a value?
a) Function
b) Procedure
c) Both A and B
d) None of the Above
4) Which of the following files are linked to C program?
a) stdin
b) stderr
c) stdout
d) All the Above
5) When malloc is unable to allocate the requested memory, it returns
a) Zero
b) garbage value
c) a null pointer
d) 1
6) list the 4 dynamic memory functions in C++.
Answer: malloc,calloc,realloc,free
7) The interrupt that comes from an I/O device is said to be
a)software interrupt
b)External interrupt
c)Internal Interrupt
d)Priority Interrupt
8) Which of the following reads a single character but does not display the character on screen?
a) getche
b) getch
c) Both A and B
d) None of the Above
9) Which of the following is a national net work ?
a) WAN
c) WWW
10) List the extensions of all files during execution of a C source code in order.
Answer: .C .I .ASM .OBJ .EXE
Team B Rapid fire:
1) BIOS stands for
a) Basic Input Output System
b) Base Input Output System
c) Broad Information Output System
d) Basic Information Operating System
2) MICR stands for
a) Magnetic Ink Character Recognition;
b) Magnetic Ink Charter Recognition
c) Magnetic Ink Charter Release;
d) Magnetic Ink Character Release
3) The communication equipment used in the computer is
a) CPU
c) Monitor
d) Mouse
4) The difference between the concept of structures and unions in C language is in terms of
a) speed
b) storage
c) Both A and B
d) None of the Above
5) Which of the following are components of command line arguments?
a) argv
b) argc
c) Both A and B
d) None of the Above
6) Mod (%) operator cannot be used on ______
Answer: float
7) ______ tag is an extension to HTML that can enclose any number of JavaScript statements.
Answer: SCRIPT
8) What does the data link layer look for as it sends a frame from one link to another?
a) Host id
b) IP address
c) Domain name
d) Station address
9) The number of memory references required for CPU to execute immediate address instructions:
a) Zero
b) One
c ) Two
d) Three
10) Which of the following denote invalid variable names in C?
a) exforsys
b) float
c) abcd
d) None of the Above
Team C Rapid fire:
1) Choose the odd one
1. Linux
2. Windows NT
3. Sql server
4. Unix
2) What does that acronym VGA stand for?
a) Extended Graphics Adapter
b) Enhanced Graphics Array
c) Video Graphics Array
d) Color Graphics Array
3) One KB equals
a) 1000 Bytes;
b) 1000MB;
c) 1024 bytes;
d) 1024 MB
4) The global variables are also called as
a) Register variables
b) External variables
c) Static variables
d) None of the Above
5) What is the Range of double?
Answer: -1.7e308 to 1.7e308
6) Of the following tree structure, which is, efficient considering space and time complexities?
a) Incomplete Binary Tree
b) Complete Binary Tree
c) Full Binary Tree
d) all the above
7) What is the keyword that is used to handle unhandled conditions in switch-case?
a) after
b) default
c) else
d) all
8) Which of the following is used for International Inter Bank Financial Communications?
b) CBS
c) WWW
9) Which type of inheritace is not available in JAVA?
a) Single
b) Multiple
c) Hybrid
d) Hierarchical
10) Expand USB
Answer: universal serial bus
Team D Rapid fire:
1) LAN means
a) Land Acquisition Notification;
b) Local Area Network;
c) Large Area Network;
d) Low Area Network
2) One MB equals
a) 1000 bytes;
b) 1000GB;
c) 1024 KB;
d) 1024 GB
3) Which of the following not used in the Computers?
a) Key Board
b) Monitor
c) Power (AC/DC)
d) Handle
4) Google was first named as?
Answer: googol
5) In which of the following loop construct the condition is tested after the first iteration?
a) while loop
b) do-while loop
c) Both A and B
d) None of the Above
6) Which of the following operating system was C originally developed?
a) Windows
b) DOS
d) None of the Above
7) The notation for preprocessor directive is
a) $
b) !
d) #
8) Which of the following denotes a new line character in C program?
a) n
b) /n
d) /t
9) Choose the odd one
Answer: sap
10) Strict binary tree of n leaves has _______ nodes
Answer: (2n-1)
Buzzer Round
1) Which one the following is a reserved words for windows?
a) Windows
b) Start
c) CON
d) Run
2) Which of the following company does not produce motherboards?
a) Intel
b) MSI
c) GigaByte
d) Microsoft
3) The upcoming version of windows OS is?
a) Vista Extreme
b) Windows 7
c) Windows2009
d) Windows XP9
4) A system file is named as tquiz.dll. What does the extension dll stands for?
a) Direct Linking Loader
b) Dynamic Linking Loader
c) Dynamic Linking Library
d) Direct Linking Library
5) ASCII value for blank space?
a) 30
b) 32
c) 55
d) 145
6) SIM in mobile phones stand for?
a) Subscriber Identity Module
b) SmartCard Integrated Mobile
c) SmartCard Integrated Module
d) Search Indian Mobile
7) Which package is always imported by default in JAVA?
Answer: The java.lang package is always imported by default.
8) Difference Between truncate and delte commands in Oracle?
Answer: Truncate does auto commit.
9) Which Operator in oracle performs pattern matching?
Answer: LIKE operator
10) Tell the syntax of Group by command in oracle?
Answer: SELECT column_name, aggregate_function(column_name) FROM table_name WHERE column_name operator value GROUP BY column_name;
Find them out:
1. Larry Page and Sergy Brin (Founders of Google)
2. Jerry Yang and David Filo (Founders of Yahoo)
3. Ken Thompson (Language B was invented by him)
4. Tim Berners Lee -- Founder of the World Wide Web
5. James Gosling - java inventor
int i=5;
Answer: 1
Program 2:
int f=15,k;
k= ~f;
Answer: -16
Program 3:
Answer: H
Program 4:
Answer: helloen
Program 5:
void main()
char far *p=(char far *)0x55550005;
char far *q=(char far *)0x53332225;
Program 6:
void main()
char far *p,*q;
printf("%d %d",sizeof(p),sizeof(q));
Answer: 4 2
Program 7:
int a;printf("%d",a=printf("hello")+2);
Answer: hello7
Program 8:
void main()
char *str1="powla";
char *str2="er";
Answer: power
Prog 9:
#define power(a) #a
void main()
Answer: 52
Prog 10:
void main()
int i=-3,j=2,k=0,m;
Answer: -2 2 1 0
Show Down:
Team A:
void main()
char *str;
Answer: 300
Team B:
#define MAN(x,y)((x)>(y))?(x):(y);
void main()
int i=10,j,k;
Answer: 12 6 12
Team C:
void main()
printf(5+"good Morning");
Answer: Morning
Team D:
void main()
int i;
Input: i=25
Answer: 1
Team A:
void main()
char *str1="united";
char *str2="front";
char *str3;
Answer: error
Team B:
void main()
float a=0.7;
Answer: C
Team C:
char a[4]="HELLO";
Compiler error: Too many initializers
The array a is of size 4 but the string constant requires 6 bytes to get stored.
Team D:
int i=10,j=20;
j = i, j?(i,j)?i:j:j;
printf("%d %d",i,j);
Answer: 10 10
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