Tuesday, November 25, 2008

ITSA DEC08- Presidents message

Here, it is time to make road for Dec08.

Dec08 is scheduled on 12th & 13th.
This term is very much interested to all Core team of ITSA (President,VP, Treasurer,Secretaries). Bcos, We need to make it Huge successful event than Sep Inaguaral Edition. Root cause is We need to Show strength of ITSA to Accenture.
We are working hard for this. Raghu(S) is working for T-Shirt release. Abdul(Tre), though he is meant for money, he is technically contributing things , he is also working for root cause management. I need to act up on Overall and Movie making , Presentation works.

Am also well supported by my Classmates, to whom i shall be thankful always.

Dear Juniors, this all we are doing for YOU. Please understand. Because, now you know the market trend. This impact (& of Recovery of losses) will be there for another 2 years, as per NASSCOM reports. Companies may be less in no. for recruitment. Competation will be tough.Last year total 55 companies participated. But now (as on todate), it is only 24. So, You should count for your turn.

I suggest, FEEL ITSA.. Utilise it properly. Pls Make understand our friends. and We(Fynal year students) need to impress you by giving their valuble experiences. We always want to give you. Its up to you recieve it or not. :-)

Another reason is, I want to make a request to Accenture, to be the ANNUAL SPONSERER OF ITSA. Before asking him, i must show statistics, confidence & realistic measures of ITSA. HOPE YOU REALLY UNDERSTAND THESE THINGS,which are unseen.

So, here is a Call for all friends, to make ITSA DEC08, a successful event.

Wish you all the Best

Vikash M